A good hand if you have to destroy your sound system!!!The author is Jeff Mills, history of Detroit Techno, and there's no need to tell you who he is, the talent and the passion that he shows tell us more than words!!!!
venerdì 26 agosto 2011
Jeff Mills - Berlin
Un ottimo aiuto per riuscire a spaccare il vostro impianto audio!!!L'autore è Jeff Mills, storia della techno di Detroit, e non c'è bisogno di presentarlo, il talento e la passione che esprime dicono più di ogni parola!!!
A good hand if you have to destroy your sound system!!!The author is Jeff Mills, history of Detroit Techno, and there's no need to tell you who he is, the talent and the passion that he shows tell us more than words!!!!
A good hand if you have to destroy your sound system!!!The author is Jeff Mills, history of Detroit Techno, and there's no need to tell you who he is, the talent and the passion that he shows tell us more than words!!!!
Julio Bashmore - Battle For Middle You
Canzone di recente uscita con un sound molto coinvolgente, che si ispira in qualche frangente anche alla house classica, da sentire..ad alto volume ovviamente!!!
A recently track released with a really involving sound, with some notes that recall the classic house, now ear it..outloud of course!!!
A recently track released with a really involving sound, with some notes that recall the classic house, now ear it..outloud of course!!!
Cassius - the Sound Of Violence Remastered Version 2011
Un pezzo che è subito diventato un classico della moderna disco music, realizzato dal duo francese Cassius, uscito per la prima volta nel 2001 ed ora ripresentato assieme ad altri mix fatti da diversi artisti!!!
A tune that suddenly became an istant classic of the modern disco music, realized by the French duo Cassius, released for the first time in 2001 and now remastered and edited with several remixes!!!!
A tune that suddenly became an istant classic of the modern disco music, realized by the French duo Cassius, released for the first time in 2001 and now remastered and edited with several remixes!!!!
martedì 9 agosto 2011
Human Life - Uptown
Ecco a voi gli Human Life, di nuovo in un nostro post per il loro ultimo release (gratuito), pubblicato in seguito al successo riscosso da "In it togheter". Questo è un pezzo con sonorità comuni a diversi generi di musica disco, che non scontenta nessuno!!!
Here's for you the Human Life, we dedicate a post to them again for its last release (free), out right after the success of "In it togheter". This is a track that takes sonorities from other disco's genres, and so it pleases anyone!!!
Here's for you the Human Life, we dedicate a post to them again for its last release (free), out right after the success of "In it togheter". This is a track that takes sonorities from other disco's genres, and so it pleases anyone!!!
Daft Punk - Magnetic Centerpiece (Demo)
Pubblichiamo oggi una notizia sensazionale!!!A quanto pare negli archivi della Soma Records era conservato un brano non pubblicato dei Daft Punk, risalente al secolo scorso!!! Quindi il 19 settembre, data di uscita della raccolta che celebra i 20 anni della Soma Records, sentiremo il brano "Drive Unreleased 1994".
Nel frattempo pubblichiamo anche un altro presunto inedito(un demo) dei Daft Punk, però ancora da confermare...
Today we talk about a sensational news!!!Apparently in the archives of the Soma Records there was an unreleased track of the Daft Punk, created in the past century!!!So the 19th of September, release date of the compilation that celebrate the 20 years of the Soma Records, we'll listen "Drive Unreleased 1994".
In the meantime we post another presumed inedited (a demo) of the Daft Punk, but we have no certainty about it...
Nel frattempo pubblichiamo anche un altro presunto inedito(un demo) dei Daft Punk, però ancora da confermare...
Today we talk about a sensational news!!!Apparently in the archives of the Soma Records there was an unreleased track of the Daft Punk, created in the past century!!!So the 19th of September, release date of the compilation that celebrate the 20 years of the Soma Records, we'll listen "Drive Unreleased 1994".
In the meantime we post another presumed inedited (a demo) of the Daft Punk, but we have no certainty about it...
martedì 2 agosto 2011
Marco Carola - Play It Loud
Per voi l'italianissimo Marco Carola, che esporta la techno italiana in tutto il mondo, è molto apprezzato sulla scena internazionale ed inoltre è fra i pionieri nazionali del genere, uno che si da molto da fare per far crescere sempre di più l'ambiente techno nostrano!!!Si esibirà al Privilege @ Scogliera di Pietra Grande l'11 di Agosto.
For you the Italian Marco Carola, that export the Italian techno all over the world, and he's really appreciated on the international scene and he's also a national pioneer of the genre, a guy that works really hard for the growth of techno's national panorama!!!He'll play at Privilege in Scogliera di Pietra Grande the 11 of August.
For you the Italian Marco Carola, that export the Italian techno all over the world, and he's really appreciated on the international scene and he's also a national pioneer of the genre, a guy that works really hard for the growth of techno's national panorama!!!He'll play at Privilege in Scogliera di Pietra Grande the 11 of August.
Todd Terry - Weekend
Talento indiscusso della house music, sulla cresta dell'onda da molti anni, non ha bisogno di presentazioni perchè è la storia della musica House!!!Questo sabato sarà alla Vecchia Fattoria..da non perdere!!! ;)))
An undisputed talent of the house music, he's on the crest of a wave from many years, and does not need introduction, because it the history of the House!!!This Saturday will play at Vecchia Fattoria..don't miss it!!!;)))
An undisputed talent of the house music, he's on the crest of a wave from many years, and does not need introduction, because it the history of the House!!!This Saturday will play at Vecchia Fattoria..don't miss it!!!;)))
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